Instructions for a Freedom
Amaryllis R. Flowers, 2015
42 in x 96 in
Gouache, tea, watercolor, acrylic, and marker on paper
Large scale scroll drawing that unrolls horizontally, like a map. A giant thick femme figure rides bareback and barefooted on a palomino horse, painted black with white spots and fading into white with black spots at its belly. Her skin is a bright dark brown and her arms are stretching up above her head with big hands and fingers pointing forward. The horse's tail is a long rainbow that is flying back into a large circle cluster of entangled figures rolling behind her like a mountain stone. They are all painted in various shades of dark and bright browns. They carry electric guitars, scepters, scythes, and are making signs with their hands. It rains all around them, and bones and stars sputter from the cluster like sparks.