What it Takes (ouroboros)
Amaryllis R. Flowers, 2020
46 in x 56 in
Gouache, color pencil, watercolor, and acrylic on paper

Large scale drawing on Paper. A stripper ouroboros encircles a dreamscape of ritual dismemberment. A half-naked anguished femme figure on her knees severs her clawed arm with a crooked dagger painted in gold. Her hot pink tongue curls up towards a doubled-self, multiplying the freshly severed limb into a spiral which opens an inky gray cave in the middle of the picture. Iridescent pink rays ripple outwards, barely visible around the dark hole. Above the cave hovers an electric yellow spirit skeleton in a body decomposing into stars. Ghost roses sway in the background. A femme giant covered in hot pink ears and hot pink eyeholes sits in a bed of flame alert and unbothered. The stripper ouroboros splits open her stomach with black nails and opens up a three-pronged spirit river that pours out in rainbow arches. Her mouth opens wide to eat her feet and crunch little midnight bones with yellow teeth and eyes. 


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