Utopic Bandwidth 
Amaryllis R. Flowers, 2020
42 in x 64 in
Watercolor, gouache, acrylic, collage, graphite, colored pencil and airbrush on paper

Large scale drawing and collage on paper.  Three thick femme figures multiply and overlap above a ground of a blue sky bursting into flame and tiny cloudy ghosts rising from the fire, their feet being swallowed by spirits.  The central figure is getting ready for a big game, half dressed, with an electric sky blue jersey repping the number 0 (the no-thing that is every-thing: o). One eye rolls up towards the sky and one eye rolls down towards the ground.  Her figure triples into shadows, aura, visions, bones, metal, stars, smoke, and other pieces of other wholes.  An inscription on her collar bone reads “ born 2 die! Long live death!” in hot pink.


It’s What Haunts Us (its what heals us)


The Big Game