The Taker Takes 
Amaryllis R. Flowers, 2020
41 in x 54 in
Gouache, watercolor, color pencil, fabric, and marker on paper

Large scale drawing.  Two figures flank the sides. The figure to the right is bone white with pale yellow hair and a fading face crying acid yellow tears.  Her skin is covered in drawings of rainbow ghosts, bones, eyes, hands, fire, thorny roses, constellations, decapitated femme heads coughing up the sun, and a rainbow cloaked grim reaper. The figure to the left uppercuts the rainbow and doubles into a sunshine yellow shadow with an arched razorback.  In the center a small figure falls in slow motion snapshots from a grave window in a multiplying rainbow sky.  She falls into an iridescent blue ghost of herself, consumed by flames colored like a cloudy blue sky. Cloud ghosts rise from the sky fire and sneak into the doorway from which she came.


Creature of the Gray Lagoon


The Ref