Rescinding Invitations
Amaryllis R. Flowers, 2022
45 in x 30 in
Watercolor, gouache, airbrush, color pencil, and collage on paper
Large drawing on paper. Three femme figures painted in deep bright browns clasp hands, breathing fire out of their mouths opening up towards the sky. They are shirtless and their dark brown planet like aureolas encircle a levitating white ghost girl out of a black bang rising from a labyrinth and basketball Venn diagram. Above them is a doorway to a tossing rainbow ocean and night sky. A little girl painted in midnight black wanders into the doorway, arms outstretched like a sleepwalker. A rainbow Body (Nut, goddess of sky) arches over the exorcism. The ghost rises and churns to the top of the drawing in little burst shapes around Nut. Her skin is covered in tiny fluorescent drawings of clawing hands, bones, and symbols for changing skies. Iridescent flames combust the labyrinth, the doorway, and the ghosts.
Cosmic Yolk