Amaryllis R. Flowers, 2020
22 in x 30 in
Watercolor, color pencil, gouache, graphite, and collage on paper

Drawing on paper. Two figures sit in high gray grass that grows up and around them like a circle of standing stones. Kneeling down on her hands and knees is a fluorescent yellow giant covered in glowing hot pink ears with hot pink lips and silver eyelashes. Her long lemony ponytail arches onto the ground as she looks over her shoulder at the figure sitting in front of her, miniature in comparison to her own big rippling body. The small figure draws her legs into her, all the limbs of her body turning different brown colors.  One leg is translucent, and one arm is stark white with teeny drawings of femme heads sticking their tongues out and floating through the cosmos. Her eyes are silver Xs, and her nails are electric turquoise. She wears a basketball jersey with the number 0 on it - a non-number - and her hair stands up on her head like an upside-down waterfall. Cartoon ghosts painted like a blue and cloudy sky fly above them in a rainbow formation.


Soul Hunt (search party)


(a femme body is) A Haunted House