Incoming (as you were)
Amaryllis R. Flowers, 2023
64 in x 58 in
Watercolor, gouache, color pencil, and collage on paper
Large drawing on paper. A giant purple femme monstrosity covered in eyes and drooling fanged mouths flails her long limbs in surrender as she lands in a watermelon colored pool the shape of a strange diamond. Inside the diamond is a hot yellow portal burst revealing a secret circle of translucent pale brown figures holding each other around a bonfire. In front of them are dark brown twin cyclops with bright blue ponytails. One has her face covered and the other with her hands open like a game of peek-a-boo. Obscuring the frame are the clawed pastel arms of the monster as if she is zombie-walking into the portal. Around the whole scene are fluorescent yellow rays with drawings of a burning city.