Heavyweight (the boxer, the bag)
Amaryllis R. Flowers, 2019-present
Video, sequin, mirror, flashlights, chain, boxing gloves and light

This installation was created to hold the video Heavyweight and developed into an ongoing installation project beginning in 2019 titled, The Boxer, The BagHeavyweight is projected into jiggling sequined textiles, cracked mirror graves, and two boxing gloves swing from chains, remixing white light into rainbowed shadows. Heavyweight video is made to be played on an infinite loop and features Wilfredo Benitez, the youngest lightweight champion in the world and a Puerto Rican from the bronx. He was known for winning fights by dodging punches. Heavyweight is an appropriated video, amended to show Wilfredo Benitez boxing the rainbow, the melting pot, and losing.


Labyrinth for a Good Grief


For a Future